Making Summer a Summer of Giving Back

The Camp Invention logo from the front of a volunteer’s shirt from a couple years ago. About four high schoolers will be put with a group of about 20 kids of similar ages. The kids range from grades K-6.

This summer, incoming freshmen will start to look for volunteer opportunities if they are interested in the volunteer club (also known as the Humanitarian Cord or Silver Cord program), while sophomores and juniors will catch up, and seniors will plan for finishing up their Humanitarian Cord, NHS, or senior hours. Those just wanting to add to their resume are also welcome at non-profit organizations and other volunteer opportunities in the area.

Volunteering is an activity for everyone. Events and organizations cannot function or continue their work without volunteers, and high schoolers can learn new skills and serve their communities with their time. Here are opportunities in the area that would welcome high school volunteers this summer.

Summer Only Volunteering:

Vacation Bible School (VBS) – There are many churches around Adel and into Waukee and West Des Moines that look for volunteers to make their VBS an amazing experience for all of the kids who attend. Lutheran Church of Hope, which has multiple campuses in the area (West Des Moines, Waukee, Grimes, and Des Moines) is one of these places. They invite people from 7th grade and up to join in the fun by choosing a volunteer category. Volunteers can serve as shepherds (group leaders), dance leaders, or help with snacks, crafts, or rec. VBS at Lutheran Church of Hope is five days, with choices between two morning sessions or a night session.

Camp Invention – Ask Lori Boston or Charity Miller about signing up to be a high school leader for Camp Invention. High School leaders will spend five full days with a group of kids, guiding them to the invention sessions and helping them along the way. It is a large time commitment, more than VBS, but it is a great way to add up hours in the summer and have fun with the kids.

Yearlong Volunteering That is Also Available in the Summer:

Kiwanis, Lion’s Club, and Rotary Organizations – During the school year, selling and delivering Christmas wreaths and helping with kids’ Easter activities are a couple of the Kiwanis opportunities that annually need high schoolers to help out with. In Adel and the surrounding cities, there are additional groups that lead community service projects that could use help including Lion’s Clubs and Rotary. Consider contacting these groups to see what they might currently be looking for volunteers for this summer.

Meals From the Heartland – This is a great idea for students with busy schedules who cannot dedicate more than three hours on a weekend or weekday to volunteering. Most meal packaging shifts are two hours long and their site is about a half hour from Adel. Meals From the Heartland is also helpful when a student only has two hours or fewer of Humanitarian Cord, NHS, or senior hours remaining for the year.

Animal Shelters: A-Heinz 57 and the RRPR (Raccoon River Pet Rescue in Perry) house cats and dogs until they can be adopted and could always use a helping hand with extra cleaning around the centers and pet care.

Food Pantries: The Good Samaritan Food Pantry in Adel is located in the DAC. Along with the Food Bank of Iowa in Des Moines, the Good Samaritan Food Pantry uses volunteers to organize donations.

Help-A-Heart: Help-A-Heart is an organization in Prairie City, Iowa that supports families who have children with congenital heart defects. Their website lists ways volunteers can help families and the organization.

This is only a short list of ways to fill students’ volunteering hours during the summer. There are many more out in the community, some of which students can view on the volunteer document attached to the daily high school announcements. There are always many smaller opportunities that are available at churches and organizations that do not always get on that document, so check the websites and social media of churches and places in the area for continuous opportunities. Summers will never be wasted helping others, so find the volunteer opportunities you will love to do.