March 2023 Kiwanis Humanitarian Student of the Month: Alexis Nemechek
Photo by Lindsay Standford
Kiwanis Humanitarian Student of the Month, Alexis Nemechek, is the daughter of Amber and Braden Nemechek. She has a GPA of 3.97 and has volunteered with meals, services, and Sunday school at her church and various activities at the Fire Department as part of her involvement in the Humanitarian Cord for Service program.
In addition to Humanitarian Cord, Nemechek has been involved in NHS, track, FCA, Student Council, lifting, and youth group. From these activities, she has learned “how to be a leader and how to work hard.”
A couple of Nemechek’s favorite classes in high school have been culinary arts and P.E. because they are fun, and she enjoys having P.E. with friends. Math classes with Mr. Schneider were also a highlight of her years in high school.
Her advice to others on how to be successful in school and life is to get work done on time and “be open to trying new things.”
This fall Nemechek will be attending the University of Iowa to major in exercise science, then she will go on to graduate school to become a pediatric physical therapist.
Nemechek is thankful to be selected for this recognition and believes it is her hard work at school that is being recognized.
In honor of her achievements, Kiwanis of Adel has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.