Scooters Coffee Coming to Adel

I have loved coffee from a very young age, the age of 5 to be exact. Although I love everything about coffee, if your favorite coffee is from Scooters we cannot be friends. A new Scooters Coffee location is being build in Adel. across from the Kum and Go. It is unknown as of now when it will be up and running. Just about two blocks away from the Scooters location is our local coffee shop, The Morning Grind. The Morning Grind opened in May of 2020.
Personally I think that as a small town we should keep it as just small businesses. Chain restaurants have a reputation of making small businesses shut down.
Overall Scooters Coffee has an advantage in the volume and variety of their menu. Scooters offers a total of 23 hot drinks compared to The Morning Grind’s 9. Scooters offers a total of 89 items including coffees, refreshers, smoothies, and food. In my opinion the Morning Grind’s Menu definitely does not compare to Scooters with their only 29 total items.
Many people in Adel have been waiting for the day that we get a chain restaurant. The Scooters coffee will be very appealing to parents who are rushing out the door to get their kids to school and teenagers that need their caffeine fix on a budget. Scooters is a more affordable option for your morning coffee, whereas The Morning Grind is a little bit pricey. A 16 oz flavored latte costs $ 4.55 at Scooters and at The morning Grind it is $4.71. The price difference
What something that every teen loves? MONEY. The Scooters will allow many job opening for those that are looking to make a few extra bucks. Aniston Tollari, who is in favor of the new Scooters be build in Adel, says ” I think that the new Scooters will offer many jobs to high school students that need a way to earn money. ”
Tori Schmidt, who works for The Morning Grind says ” I think that The morning Grind has that small town feel that big chain coffee places does not have. I think that people would rather support a local business rather than going to Scooters especially because they are so close.”
In my opinion even though Scooters has a larger variety of food and drink I personally would rather support a local small business and keep the small town feel that Adel has a reputation for.