September 2022 Teacher of the Month: Beth Knipper
Photo by Annelise Kreifels
The September teacher of the month is Mrs. Knipper. Knipper was nominated by a variety of students. Some the reasoning for nominating Knipper included making students feel safe, having students best interest at heart, and always being willing to listen to her students. Knipper began her teaching career in the fall of 2006 at a school in Florida, but began at ADM in the fall of 2010. This year will be her 16th year of teaching. She knew she wanted to teach because she ” wanted to make a difference in children”. Knipper chose to go into the English subject area because she graduated with a degree in journalism. She also knew she wanted to teach a higher grade level because ” little kids scare me” she says. Knipper is honored to receive teacher of the month and says it’s nice to receive feedback from students.