Presidential Candidates Corrupting Our Youth?

Photo by NBC News
During a high school boys basketball game on February 22nd at ADM, Dallas Center-Grimes students were ostracized for chanting “Trump!” and “U-S-A!” repeatedly at the Perry boys team, referencing the way presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has expressed his opinions of what he sees as the majority of Hispanic-American citizens.
His plans of building a wall against our country’s Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration have not sat well in the minds of millions, leading to the distress and feelings of disrespect in the Perry basketballers and the other members of Perry’s racially diverse student body.
Iowan affairs do not usually reach a national news level, but this story was enough to catch the eye of Des Bieler, a reporter for The Washington Post. Bieler wrote an article on the incident and it can be read on TWP’s website under the title “In Iowa, fans chant ‘Trump! Trump!’ at racially diverse high school basketball team.” Bieler’s article addresses the incident and explains the way DCG apparently apologized and a discussion went down between the school districts.
This incident can easily be used to back-up the idea that Trump’s campaign is already taking effect on the youth of our country, sponsoring and inspiring racism and discrimination. If this far into the campaign season, students can effectively use the very name of Donald Trump as a racist chant, how can the country expect Trump to influence the citizens in the American country and spur them toward a society of unequal treatment and racism?
Our country’s multi-century journey toward equality and social acceptance does not deserve the halt and possible regression that has potential to occur if Donald Trump is elected President of the United States.