Loop Earplugs: A Product Review
Photo by Chris Aukes
Chris Aukes (author) holding black Loop Experience Pro’s in a school environment. These earplugs aid in volume control in schools, workplaces, and other noisy places.
Loop Earplugs were originally created about a year ago, in the early fall of 2020. The main goal of the product was to help make everyday noises quieter without muffling them. The product was a hit and began to sell out quickly. But people weren’t using them to muffle noises from loud sounds at a shooting range or playing drums in a loud band… people were using them to help reduce the struggles of sensory processing disorders, Autism, and general dislike of loud noises.
The mission page for Loop Earplugs takes note of how people are using these hearing devices by saying this: “The moments of rest can be equally exhilarating and refreshing. If we take the time to filter out the noise, we can focus, relax and reconnect. We can achieve new levels of balance and confidence with the power of quiet.”
I decided to buy some of these famous earplugs after following their Instagram for a couple of months. The reviews on their social media stories were absolutely amazing, so I was determined to see what my personal opinion was. I ordered the black Loop Experience Pros. The site has a variety of different earplugs listed for sale, but I went with the most expensive option because I wanted the full experience.
The first thing I noticed after the order was placed was the customer service, and the time it took to get to my mailbox. From the second I placed my order to the moment the package landed in my mailbox, the total time spent shipping the product was about two weeks. This shipping time wasn’t unexpected, as they were being sent overseas. To track my order, Loop had me download an app to track my package, which kept me updated on where my earplugs were at every second of every day.
When the Loop’s arrived, I noticed the packaging. The look of the box was very well put together and looked very sleek. The unboxing process aided in the awe of the product. Once the earplugs were unboxed, they came out with a tiny carrying case (about the size of a quarter) that has a loop to hook onto a keyring. The Loop Earplugs themselves were smaller than I expected but were even more amazing than I hoped. Upon the first glance, they looked delicate but were sturdy in actuality. They were discrete to the oblivious person but could be seen when pointed out. When they were inserted into the ear, they did exactly as described. They lowered the sound by 18 decibels without muffling it.
To test this product, I wore them for about a week before giving the final assessment. I wore the earplugs in a loud class, in a room full of percussionists, and in a setting where I just needed some peace and quiet. When I chose to wear them in the classroom, they were extremely helpful to muffle out the loud students around me, and wearing them actually allowed me to finish my schoolwork before the other students. During the percussion sectional, they didn’t block out all the noise, but they made it quiet enough to bear sitting close to the drums and conversing with a band member. And finally, when I needed some peace and quiet, the earplugs allowed me to disconnect from the noise and the world around me.
To close, I give this product a 10/10. They were very helpful in all situations that require just a little less noise, and I think they hold up to the promise of helping people “live life at your volume.” I think these earplugs could be extremely beneficial to those that struggle with Autism or other sensory disorders that may cause someone to dislike loud noise. All in all, this product is a lifesaver, and I can definitely see why they’ve had so many orders. Great job, Loop!
Sebastiana Miranda • Apr 28, 2023 at 7:21 pm
Ola boa noite tudo bem, eu gostaria de saber o site que vc comprou. Preciso comprar um desses pra minha filha que é autista e sofre com sensibilidade auditiva. Por favor me manda o site. Grata