April Student of the Month: Sarah Moews
Photo by Sean Whitson
Sarah Moews, April’s Student of the Month, poses in the frigid April rain after a rehearsal for the musical.
Sarah Moews, daughter of Suzie and Dean Moews, has been honored as the Student of the Month. She has a GPA of 3.9 and enjoys many of her classes, but her favorites include English, Chemistry, and Pre-calc. Moews enjoys those largely due to the teachers she has taken from, alongside the fact that all present differing and interesting challenges.
Moews is involved in many activities, both inside and outside of the school building. She is involved in Dance, Choir, Cross Country, Track, Softball, Student Council, NHS, French Honor Society, Drama, and takes piano lessons. In her spare time, she has worked to receive her humanitarian cord, where she volunteers at her church, delivering groceries to impoverished people, Meals for the Heartland, and concession stands, as well as going on multiple mission trips with her church.
Moews plans to study Pre Med at either Saint Amorose or Buena Vista, and she has not reached a final decision yet.
Her advice to other students is to don’t take things too seriously and to talk to everyone you may come across daily. Being the Student of the Month means a lot to Moews— as to her it is an honor as many students were not chosen. It means a lot to her that her teachers believed she was worth choosing, as she prioritizes academics and has been involved in so much.
In honor of Moews’s achievement, the Raccoon Valley Bank has donated $100 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.