Fine Arts Student of the Month: Abby Wedemeyer
Photo by Beth Basinger
Abby Wedemeyer, Senior.
Abby Wedemeyer, daughter of Jill Greufe, and Mike Wedemeyer has been chosen as the Fine Arts Student of the Month for March. Wedemeyer, a senior, has been involved in drama and speech during her time in high school. She says she’s learned how to be more determined in memorizing lines, how to better express herself, and she’s learned how to “stick with it.” During her high school career, Wedemeyer has been inducted into the International Thespian Society, but she likes to consider herself a team player.
Wedemeyer thinks that participating in fine arts activities is a great idea because they are a better creative outlet than sports. She is happy that she was chosen to be a Fine Arts Student of the Month because it means that she “shows determination” and a lot of effort. Wedemeyer feels that she has been given this honor because she has a great passion and dedication to fine arts.
In honor of her achievements, Lincoln Savings Bank will be donating $100 to the ADM scholarship fund.