Fine Arts: January

Fine Arts: January

Marissa Meadowcroft is January’s Fine Arts Student of the Month. Meadowcroft is a junior and is the daughter of Bart and Judy Meadowcroft. She is currently a newspaper editor for the school newspaper, a section leader in choir, and a TSA officer.

Meadowcroft is currently involved in Speed Team, TSA, Cross Country, Jazz Choir, Newspaper, and Choir.

Adel TV and appliance donated $100 to the ADM Scholarship foundation in recognition of her efforts.


Emma Riker is also January’s Fine Arts Student of the Month. Riker is a junior and is the daughter of Chris and Kristi Riker. She is currently a yearbook photo editor.

Riker is involved in Track, Group Speech, Individual Speech, and play.

Adel Health Mart donated $100 in recognition of her efforts.