October Kiwanis Student of the Month: Holland Zwank
Photo by Zoe Marckmann
October Kiwanis Student of the Month – Holland Zwank
Holland Zwank is one of the October’s Kiwanis Students of the Month. She is the daughter of Debra and David Zwank. Holland has a 3.9 GPA and her favorite classes include band, choir, and Spanish. She loves to stay involved in band and choir because she enjoys music and it’s something she wants to continue in the future. Other activities Holland loves to stay involved in Art Club, Jazz, NHS, AcDec, Speech, cross country, track and play.
“From these activities, I’ve learned how to be a leader and how to be more outgoing,” Holland explained.
Holland stays involved outside of school by volunteering at summer camps. These camps include Camp Invention and Bible Camp.
Holland isn’t sure where she wants to go or what to major in but as she says, “The future holds many opportunities and I can’t wait to see what mine holds.”
To Holland, being Kiwanis Student of the Month is a great honor and and Holland thinks she has been honored because she is very hard working.
Her advice to others is “Don’t let the haters get you down, no one can dull your sparkle.”
In recognition of her achievements, Kiwanis of Adel has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.