Things I Have Learned In Newspaper

For my first year in journalism I only had an idea of what I was doing, but had a million ideas of what I thought it would be like. I would have to say that walking into Newspaper every day made my day a lot better. It did not matter what was going on outside of this classroom because the second you stepped into the room you had a family there for you. We were all a team, and we helped each other no matter what. A challenge I had to overcome was allowing other people to read my writing and knowing that the world had access to whatever I chose to publish. Throughout the year, I overcame that fear and was even asking other students to read my work before I published it for the world.

When the seniors graduated this year it took away half of our staff and kind of left the juniors in charge to take over. Being a junior, that worried me a little bit. That meant more responsibility on my plate and more punishment if something went wrong, but I really overreacted. It was a wonderful change in some ways; more of the underclassmen asked me for help and looked up to my work. I would have to say that one of the best feelings is when people enjoy reading my writing. Even them just telling me that they read one of my stories meant a lot to me, because when we first started this newspaper we did not think anyone looked at it and for awhile no one probably did. It was our job to tell everyone about it in anyway possible, and we did. I cannot count on one hand how many posters I made to advertise our newspaper. But honestly I would do it all again; there is not a single thing I regret about this class. Even though students in other classes may say that it is a dumb class and a waste of a spot to fill on your schedule, this was my escape from everything.

I would not recommend this class for people who hate writing because they might not enjoy this class, but if you even consider taking this class just take it. Anyone can learn to enjoy writing.  You do not have to be in love with writing to take this class.

Earth is a beautiful place and a ton of things happen on this planet every day, in every country around the world, but more specifically right here in our community. I get the honor of sharing it with people and informing everyone about it, but I don’t just write the news, I get to write about anything I want and let my creative side take over sometimes.

The most important thing is that this class really makes you feel appreciated.  Everyone is accepted into this amazing family. I am beyond excited to see what our team and family can accomplish next year.